
Stated Clearly:
What is Natural Selection?
What is the Evidence for Evolution?
Does the Theory of Evolution Really Matter?
What Caused Life’s Major Evolutionary Transitions?

Myths and Misconceptions About Evolution
Five Fingers of Evolution
How We Think Complex Cells Evolved


Radiolab — a WNYC podcast:

Parasite of the Day:
The ideal blog to pick your favourite parasite!

Three-spined Sticklebacks

A Model for Behaviour and Mate Choice Research:
Male nesting and courtship behaviour (film by Iain Barber and Vicki Macnab)
Male nesting and courtship behaviour
Collective behaviour (Jolles et al. 2015 Animal Behaviour doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.11.004)
Shoaling behaviour (Wark et al. 2011 PLoS ONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018316)

A Model for Ecology and Speciation Research:
Making of the Fittest: Evolution of the Stickleback Fish (Howard Hughes Medical Institute)
Stickleback Evolution (Bozeman Science)
Stickleback Evolution virtual lab (Howard Hughes Medical Institute)


Why Study Pigeons?
Coloration in Pigeons
Pigeonetics. A Fun Game to Learn About Pigeon genetics.

Suprisingly Awesome — a Gimlet Media podcast:

The Memory Palace — a Radiotopia podcast:
Lost Pigeon

99% Inivisible — a Radiotopia podcast:
Unseen city: Wonders of the Urban Wilderness

L’Avventura — Science Blog by Fiamma Luzzati:
The Parisians Who Never Get the Flu illustrated interview of Julien Gasparini (in french)