10 Facts About Me

Hi, I’m Noémie Erin. I’m an evolutionary biologist and I am currently looking for a postdoc!

How I got there
I became a biologist out of fascination for the inner workings of the natural world, probably after watching too many nature documentaries as a child, and because I like untangling knots and solving puzzles.

I was born in Saint-Michel (Charentes, France) and I grew up on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe (France).

I studied biology and evolutionary ecology in Paris (B. Sc. and M. Sc. at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France) and did my doctoral studies at the Max Planck Insitute for Evolutionary Biology (Plön, Germany).

Dream job
Being a secret client in charge of visiting all museums and all restaurants in the world.

I am an autodidact artist, I have a great sense of spatial orientation, and I can bake a mean apple pie.

Super powers
Intuition, eternal sense of wonder, and remembering random facts.

Proudest accomplishment
To have lived and worked abroad.

The mistake that taught me the most
To have lived in the village of Plön, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. It reminded me that countryside is great… but not full time.

Guilty ambition
Winning an Ig-Nobel Prize.

Biggest fear

Things I am serious about
Food, sleep, social justice, environmental protection.

Podcasts, cats, Two Dots.

The best way to reach me is to write me an email.